Monday, April 30, 2007

Quest for latest Testing Knowledge

Now a day’s lots of developments are happening in QA/Software Testing. As a software tester, I always look for the new ideas/education.

Today I came across one very interesting blog of Cem Kaner Updating some core concepts in software testing. This post reminds me of my academic education years. Things like the way we write the academic examinations. We take theory classes and teacher explains us different approaches, theory behind the subject and solutions to the predefined problems. We then answer the examination. Key point to notice here, we answer the exam, the way we have been trained.It seems we are still repeating the same Learn & Apply pattern in Testing/QA field. We get the concepts from Testing Books or organization's defined process(s) and follow the same on testing assignments. I haven't seen a change in these things. They are followed as it is as defined by great testing Guru's like Cem Kamer/James Bach or based on inputs from few experienced testers of your organization.

I am just wondering what new development is going on this area...Any improvement on foundation of software testing.

Signing Off

If you are the one like me, looking for most recent QA/testing happenings, Read the post Updating some core concepts in software testing.


Anonymous said...


Good post.waiting for more QA stuff.

S. Benzev said...

Great Article on Testing!

I really liked the following..

1) The focus of system testing should shift to reflect the strengths of programmers’ tests. Many testing books (including TCS 2) treat domain testing (boundary / equivalence analysis) as the primary system testing technique. To the extent that it teaches us to do risk-optimized stratified sampling whenever we deal with a large space of tests, domain testing offers powerful guidance. But the specific technique—checking single variables and combinations at their edge values—is often handled well in unit and low-level integration tests. These are much more efficient than system tests. If the programmers are actually testing this way, then system testers should focus on other risks and other techniques. When other people are doing an honest and serious job of testing in their way, a system test group so jealous of its independence that it refuses to consider what has been done by others is bound to waste time repeating simple tests and thereby miss opportunities to try more complex tests focused on harder-to-assess risks.

Dinesh Karmankar said...

Hi Sholom,

Great thoughts. Your comment has bring in another good point of having developers doing unit and low level integration testing with the help of proven test techniques and at same time,system testers should focus on test objective .

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

software test consulting said...

thank you for sharing with us dude. the QA TESTING is the hotest subject in the market. there is no business that use this technic for improving!